Ich habe mich eine Nacht lang damit beschäftigt, den Heiligen Gral der Unity Entwicklung - den Unity Gral - zu suchen, und ihn gefunden.
Was ich als Unity Gral
bezeichne, ist die Verwendung von Visual Studio Solutions, Asset-Management und einem Unity Projekt, ohne zusehr die Vorteile der Versions Kontrolle auszuhebeln. Vorteil des Unity Gral
ist die einfache Nutzung des Repositories für Artists, als auch für Entwickler und Game Designer/Entwickler.
I've searched a bit around the internet to find a solution for my automatic standby not being invoked on my notebook and haven't found a solution until now.
Unity3D has been created an audiostream which prevents Windows from automatically changing into standby.
Grav provides some simple statistics but these aren't really helpful to determine which posts do create some interest. That's why I installed Piwik. I hope I can generate some information from these stats to optimize my activity on this page.
On the neverending search for using c#6 features in unity I recently stumbled over a small repository.
This project allows you - with small modifications of unity - to use the Roslyn-Compiler-Platform and with it huge amounts of fancy c#5 and c#6 features in Unity.
I'm someone living on the bl...
I've played a bit with alexzzzz C#6 Support for Unity and found that there was one essential thing missing: A class extending MonoBehaviour
providing access to several async method similar to Xenkos SyncScript
and AsyncScript