I found myself trying to write code for navigating in hierarchy like manner in Unitys Inspector (RuleSet -> Entity -> Component -> More To Come) today. First thought I had: Just put a reference field into every single scriptable object and your done ... well no.

I had the pleasure of creating loads of garbage while trying to decouple things with just a single, simple thing: Events. As Jackson Dunstan has shown C#-Events are heavily allocating memory and thats a unwanted pitfall in game programming. Creating 4000 objects on the fly with event allocation an...

So there's a new year and I thought of "what can I post to help developers out there in the wild". And here's my solution: Some useful helpers bringing me through each day of developing my final project. It's nothing very special but some very cool extensions for extending factory methods and stuff....

Based on these two threads on Unity Forums and my research on my final project I just tried to get my async scripts memory footprint down to nearly zero (3 Byte per Frame?) which is impossible with Unitys Coroutines because they are generating 17 Byte per Frame with just a single yield return n...

Damit sollte die Entwicklung meines Abschlussprojektes weitestgehend schneller voranschreiten, da ich mir keine Gedanken um "den perfekten" Terrain Generator mehr machen muss.